There are some big shifts happening in the way people view disease, medicine and the medical model.
After many decades of thinking that our health outcomes are predetermined by our genetics and that we are destined for a diagnosis the public is realizing there is more to the story.
While the process of realization is still coming to be it’s important to remember that the real information on prevention and healing has always been available to us.
Many leaders in Health have dedicated their lives to revealing methods for optimum health. It just never stood a chance against the machine of big money behind consumer based health until now.
Westin A Price (Nutrition)
Francis Pottenger (Epigenetics)
Royal Lee DDS (Nutrition)
Jack Lalane (Excercise and Nutrition)
Paul Bragg (detox and fasting)
Albert Szent-Gyorgyi (vitamin C)
Alfred Fabian Hess and Adolf Windaus (VITAMIN D)
and many more worked to share their knowledge with the public but you had to seek it to find it.
The Shift
After years of campaigning, marketing and dominating the health market, corporations and the higher education institutions they fund have gotten sloppy.
In an effort to push onto the next level of technology and open a new Pandora’s box full of promises through products and procedures these institutions neglected to acknowledge that they may have gone too far too fast.
A case of greedy guts loses all his nuts?
The standard medical model lied. So much about health that was thought to be based in “science” wasn’t. Turns out science is largely funded by product makers and regulators that are paid to regulate products. Diagnosis became more about billing and collecting than about research and healing. Inventing new diagnosis to treat is the business plan du jour.
An ingenious plan really.
Even when the products cause symptoms they need only label those symptoms with another diagnosis and they have a whole other product line to market. This is known as poly pharmacy. The model is self propagating for maximum profits.
The old model that is quickly becoming the new model.
Nothing heals the body. Only the body heals.
There is no such thing as chemical imbalance that cause mental disorders.
Unresolved emotional traumas turns into physical trauma when left unhealed.
Everyone has experienced trauma.
We adapt to trauma with temporary strategies that soothe, but most of those strategies cause way more damage in the long run. You can’t solve a long term problem with a short term solution.
We can eat to strengthen our gene expression.
Our genes do not determine our destiny alone.
Movement is crucial to keep the body in homeostasis.
You are what you eat quite literally.
Stress is caused by the gap in between the things we want and the things we don’t have. Most of the things we think we want we don’t.
We were meant to live amongst our food.
Nature is our greatest teacher.
The further we are removed from nature the sicker we get.
Our greatest pains are our greatest teachers and often lead to our purpose and fulfillment.
Finding our purpose is necessary for optimum longevity.
You only need one person to believe in you.
We are all artists in some form. Creating is a necessity.
The quality of our food, air, water and soil dictates the health of the population and should be treated as such.
These are just a few of the things that some people already know about health. Many more people are about to find out, while some were never given the chance.
I am excited by the thought that those being born into this world today may grow up knowing nothing else but the aforementioned.
Until the shift is complete we keep modeling what we know to be true. Our actions speak louder than words. Make no mistake, the shift is happening the medical model of yesterday is breaking way to some old truths that until now have been covered up for decades.
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