Hemp Part 2
There is no question that Hemp was used broadly for clothes, industrial products and medicinally. However, to be competitive in the market place it faced a big barrier. Mass production of hemp was costly due to the hands on labor it required to process it.
A Breakthrough for Production.
In 1933, a farmer named Bernagozzi from Bologna manufactured a machine called a "scavezzatrice," a decorticator for hemp. A decorticator is a machine used for stripping the skin, bark, or rind off nuts, wood, plant stalks, grain in preparation for further processing.
It’s evident with this break through that hemp could have been a strong Economic competitor with Cotton, Timber and Synthetic Plastics for industrial uses.
The medicinal properties of hemp were certainly in direct economic competition with petrochemicals and the emerging modern medical model.
The History of Anslinger
Harry Anslinger held office as US treasury commissioner federal bureau of narcotics for an unprecedented 32 years, until 1962. He then held office for two more years as U.S. Representative to the United Nations Narcotics Commission.
At age 23 Anslinger was working as an investigator for the Pennsylvania Railroad. He led an investigation that resulted in the findings of a fraudulent claim of a widower in a railroad accident. His work saved the company from paying out 50,000 dollars in restitution. He was promoted to captain of railroad police. His career trajectory rocketed following this event.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company was a big customer of Mellon bank known today as NY Bank Mellon. John Mellon founded Mellon bank and served as a board member of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company from 1856-1864.
As captain of the railroad police Ansliger travelled the world working for military and police organizations.
Anslinger married the niece of Andrew Mellon (son of John Mellon). Andrew Mellon was the US Secretary of Treasury in 1930. He appointed Anslinger (38 years old ) as the founding commissioner of the Treasury's Federal Bureau of Narcotics.
This scenerio is reminiscent of how Abraham Flexner was commissioned by the Carnegie Foundation in support with The Rockefeller institute that was under direction of Simon Flexner (brother of Abraham) to investigate medical schools which resulted in the Flexner report. Both had familial ties to government and corporate influence.
We can recognize these same patterns of revolving door positioning for industry control in present times . Today former FDA head Scott Gottleib MD serves on Pfizer’s board of directors. Former Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar—Gottlieb’s former boss—used to be president of Lilly USA, the U.S. branch of pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly. Just months-removed from vacating his position at the Environmental Protection Agency, former Secretary Scott Pruitt registered as a lobbyist in Indiana. These kinds of double connections can be found everywhere.
Former two time Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld’s career is a prime example of the revolving door of private corporations and government regulation.
“Rumsfeld accepted an appointment by President Richard Nixon to head the Office of Economic Opportunity in 1969; appointed counsellor by Nixon and entitled to Cabinet-level status, he also headed up the Economic Stabilization Program before being appointed ambassador to NATO. Called back to Washington in August 1974, Rumsfeld was appointed chief of staff by President Ford. When Ford lost the 1976 election, Rumsfeld returned to private business and financial life, and was named president and CEO of the pharmaceutical corporation G. D. Searle & Company. He was later named CEO of General Instrument from 1990 to 1993 and chairman of Gilead Sciences from 1997 to 2001.
For a deeper understanding of Donald Rumsfeld’s use of government and private corporation leveraging for profit and power watch Sweet Misery.
Big Players with a lot to Lose.
Dupont is a chemical company that started in 1802. In the 1930’s it had filed new patents for synthetic fibres, paper made from wood pulp along with other plastic and textiles enterprises such as neoprene and lucite. Duponts banker was Andrew Mellon, of Mellon bank.
Newspaper baron, William Hearst owned vast acres of forestry. Hearst was heavily invested in the paper industry. Both titans of industry had a lot to lose from cannabis becoming a leader in the marketplace.
Hearst and Dupont, two giants of industry were clients of Mellon bank at the time and that may demonstrate a motive for Mellon bank. The advancement of the paper and plastic industries would give Mellon bank a financial interest in their success.
It’s speculated by those in industry that Hemp could have competed with 80% of their business in a free market with the newly developed discordicator. Dupont, Anslinger and Mellon could have had a lot to lose from cannabis utility and it’s ease of growth.
With Harry Anslinger at the throne of the “war on drugs” he was positioned to launch a campaign against competing interests like hemp. He directed through regulation and mass propaganda campaign a shift in the marketplace that impacted the industry greatly.
It is important to note that the research and studies carried out at the time did not find much issue with ill effects of cannabis. This certainly leads one to believe there may have been a corporate interest in its take down.
Even the AMA was against the removal or obstruction of access to hemp medicinally.
“In 1937, the American Medical Association sent Dr. William Woodward to the House of Representatives to testify against the proposed prohibition of cannabis. Refuting hyperbolic tabloid claims, he testified that cannabis is not highly addictive, does not cause violence in users, and does not cause fatal overdoses. He reasoned that cannabis should, therefore, be regulated rather than prohibited.”
His testimony also included:
“We are told that the use of marijuana causes crime. But as yet no one has been produced from the Bureau of Prisons to show the number of persons addicted to marijuana. An informal inquiry shows that the Bureau of Prisons has no information to this point. You have been told that school children are great users of marijuana cigarettes. No one has been summoned from the Children’s Bureau to show the nature and extent of the habit among children. Inquiry into the Office of Education, and they certainly should know something of the prevalence of the habit among school children of this country, if there is a prevalent habit, indicates that they had not occasion to investigate it and know nothing of it.”
One might argue that this was because pharmacy and prescription stood to gain off the regulation of hemp. Regulation would have made hemp restricted access to hemp by putting pharmacy and Doctors at the gate. An outright ban of hemp may have cut into this industry’s profits.
Anslinger’s Marketing Was a Calculated Takedown.
A huge marketing campaign around hemp ensued under the direction of Anslinger. Suddenly hemp marijuana was being portrayed as “the most violent drug in the history of mankind”. The demonization of marijuana leaked over into hemp with little distinction. Anslinger did not hold back on his racists views either. He pushed a hate filled agenda.
Tactics of propaganda were far reaching, infiltrating culture through music, school, print and news.
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The Marijuana Tax Act of 1937 effectively ended hemp production in the United States. Following the Tax Act, additional legislation, such as the Boggs Act of 1951 and the Controlled Substances Act, further established hemp and cannabis as illegal.
There was also this little caveat.
When it serves the effort “Hemp Is for Victory!”.
During World War II the US government did not want to be dependent upon overseas providers for materials needed for industrial uses that supported the war effort. They started a program for hemp farmers giving deferments from military service to farmers who grew hemp.
It was in 1942, during World War II, that the government changed its stance on the crop in an effort to support the war. The Department of Agriculture put out several hemp publications and documentaries that highlighted how the production of hemp could help support the war.
When it serves the governments specific outcome it’s good, but when it doesn’t it’s bad. It wasn’t long until a different story around hemp emerged and hemp became the target of intense propaganda and special interests yet again.
Lots of academics believe the Act was made to weaken the hemp industry because it was a threat to the monopoly of paper pulp. The combined efforts of tycoons such as Andrew Mellon and newspaper magnate Randolph Hearst, DuPont aided by Anslinger likely propelled the passage of the Tax Act of 1937.
The Act had far-reaching consequences. The legislation also included industrial hemp, making hemp production in the United States extremely difficult and financially unviable.
2018 Farm Bill
It was the 2018 Farm Bill that made the possession, production, sale, and cultivation of cannabis and hemp under 0.3% THC legal. Today even though legal small hemp businesses struggle through restriction and regulation to provide quality at competitive market prices.
One cannot help but wonder the innovation and medicinal uses we may have missed due to this corporate government collusion to regulate hemp out of the marketplace.
Whether there was or wasn’t a manufactured reason for regulation on hemp can be debated, but there is no lack of evidence indicating there was motivation for manufacturing one. Historically there is plenty of evidence that whenever there is innovation beyond government control it is oddly stamped out same way or another not embraced. The Mysterious Death of Stanley Myer.
The Fourth Industrial Revolution
Today we sit on the precipice of another revolution. The Fourth Industrial Revolution is upon us and these same dominating powerhouse corporations are now bigger than ever. Make no mistake they seek control over the marketplace and will use their massive wealth, regulation and government to achieve it.
This time there is so much more at stake. This time the way we live may be altered forever. The country built on freedom stands at the edge of a cliff. Once government is allowed to gain full control over citizens through digital ID, central digital banking currency and social credit scores there will be no coming back from that free fall. Any sort of independent expression or freedom to choose will be gone.
Climate and Health combined are now the weapons of choice. Any solution outside the government corporate enterprise is and will be demonized. A mass surveillance state for data collection and monopolization through regulation is the business plan. The same plan led by Flexner for the medical cartel and Anslinger for the killing of the hemp industry.
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